Saturday, December 17, 2011

Artists of Inspiration

I've been busy working on applications and re working and editing statements left and right.  I hope I'm headed towards the end of the editing process!  

Since I've been on the computer more so this month and less time at the studio I thought I'd share some artists of inspiration for me that I look at.  

Nina Rizzo has been an artist that I've been looking at for a long time.  I'm more interested in her earlier works on panel (probably because of the architecture and blocks of color), but I really enjoy her compositions and the weight of the imagery.  

Joe Pintz is a ceramic artist that I've started to look at more recently.  I enjoy his simple structures and the roughness of his pieces.  They feel very raw and inviting to me.  

This may be my last post before the new year, so happy holidays and see you next year!

Friday, December 9, 2011

oh hey guys!

Here's a look at a little creamer sugar set I made!  I'm excited how well the entire piece fits as a whole.

I have a tray in the works that is 5 times the size of this particular tray.  I'm really excited to see how it turns out.  I feel like I'm pushing myself with my forms and surfaces even more.

Grad School applications are in process!  Yay!  It's a lot of work but I'm glad the initial "getting things started" is done.

I've been thinking a lot about my opposing interests between work that I'm attracted to and my own work.  I enjoy simple designs and simple glazes yet my work has a lot going on throughout the pieces.  Just interested in why that's so.  We'll see where this goes from here.